4 Social Media Tricks For Your E-commerce ​Store in 2019

Social media has become a key player in digital marketing, and for businesses, offers the opportunity to reach out to a wider market. This not only acquires customers but keep them engaged and retains those customers looking forward. Many businesses are already utilizing social media platforms. The real question is whether businesses are up to date with the latest tricks and trends. As we look to 2019, below are some of the latest innovations that must be embraced by your e-commerce business.  

Live video 

Live video is transforming the way businesses interact and connect with customers, enabling ecommerce stores to provide real-time advertising, offer and opportunities for businesses round the clock. It immediately provides a more personal connection, enabling businesses to reach out and show a ‘real’ side to customers. Make use of real-time marketing by capitalizing on holidays, trending events and seasons that can help promote your products, such as winter deals, Valentine’s Day or Father’s Day. 

With social media enabling e-commerce platforms to reach out to a wider audience base easily, it should also be seen as an opportunity for businesses to branch out and share their own story. Live video is one way you can do this. One idea is behind-the-scenes access footage. This is proving a huge draw for audiences, who will prefer to watch content online if it involves this kind of content. 

Show your human side 


  • BTS content humanizes your company, but also helps to build a relationship of trust with your audience, allowing them to connect with the people behind the brand. 
  • It encourages engagement with your product. The right live video content can trigger actions such as liking, sharing or commenting, instantly boosting your social presence.   
  • Instagram buying

Instagram has arguably transformed social media marketing through its savvy updates and innovative additions that have seen it grow and adapt to meet consumer demands.

  • With Instagram influencers, Instagram stories, and ‘click – to -buy’ features, the photo sharing app has developed to become an m-commerce powerhouse, with the trend set to continue in 2019. 
  • Businesses can now easily tag a product within a post, allowing for easy access for followers and buyers.  
  • In June 2018it reached 1 billion users, and this statistic only looks to rise. Get on boardin 2019 and join the already 25+ million businesses on this popular app. 

Through strategic hashtags and aesthetic snaps, you can create an organic and engaging Instagram presence. With e-commerce platforms such as Shopify Plus making it possible to optimize sales across multiple social media pages, you can get ahead of the curve and increase online sales easily. Shopify experts can help guide you through this process, ensuring your products are as accessible as possible. 



Messenger apps 

A key player for e-commerce success is keeping customer service as up to date and accessible as ever. Messenger apps are one easy way your e-commerce store can provide answers to customers’ burning questions easily. Instant messaging apps remove the need for time-consuming email threads and phone calls. 

Facebook and WhatsApp are leaders in the marketing industry, with 397 million daily active users on Facebook alone. Messenger apps show customers you are human, and can reassure you that you are targeting and talking to the right demographic. Messenger apps are now available as additional features for most e-commerce platforms. This includes Shopify, who work with hundreds of app developers to allow businesses using Shopify services and Shopify Plus to provide the best support and app intergradations for their customers. 

Chatbots are another simple way you can provide customers with the support they want when they want it. A large draw for users of chatbots is that you can access their services at any given time. Depending on the type of chatbot you install on your website, you will likely be able to cut out employee time answering the simpler queries. You can leave it to the chatbot to provide the answers and solve problems for the customer. Chatbots range in terms of functionality and ability. In general support chatbots have the capabilities to perform some if not all of the following: 


  • Get a quick answer in an emergency 
  • Resolve a complaint or problem 
  • Give detailed answers or explanations 

53 percent of people are more likely to shop with a business they can message directly. The instant, personalized service that chatbots offer shows customers your business is taking their concerns into consideratio. Flexibility of instant messaging means customers queries are answered far faster than with human interaction alone. With so much competition for most businesses, finding your USP and any unique way to connect with your customers can help set you apart and retain custom. Some ways you can do this is through the content you provide your customers. Social media can be used to your advantage as it enables businesses to connect with clients and consumers on a deeper level. These four tricks can see you take your business in the right direction in 2019.


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We have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; Social Media | Key Reasons To Incorporate Into Your Shopify Store, boost your sales with these cool tools, ways to boost your Shopify stores, and Which Social Media Network is Right for Your Brand?

Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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