How To Personalize Your eCommerce Store With Shopify

Every business wants to make sure they are consistently striving for the best when it comes to shopper experience. This can be harder to achieve with an online store, where e-commerce experience is more tailored for the wider market.

However, it is possible for businesses to personalize their e-commerce experience, and retain customers through a more personal, memorable experience. Blackbelt Commerce can help you get the most from your store and keep customers coming back, with the help of Shopify features. From analytics, to store management, to your e-commerce storefront, read on to find out how to offer your customers the best in personalized e-commerce.

Every customer wants to feel valued. After all, they are far more likely to come back if they have an experience that makes them feel both appreciated by your business.

You can do this by making it both easier for your customers to shop with your store, but also by learning more about your customers. Utilize the information to your advantage, as this will improve your understanding of your customers, while also improving the experience for them.

Customer Profiles

Shopper spending habits are your gold dust. With the help of Shopifyservicesyou can learn more about your customers, such as their order history and contact info. This can help you to see your strong points and give you knowledge about your customers so you can work out where your strengths lie. Through understanding your customers, you can give them what they want. You should always seek to consider your user’s needs at any given opportunity. This can include:

  • Unique offers based on user behavior
  • Recommendations based on user behavior
  • Recommendations are taken from the customer. This can be in the form of a survey, for example.
  • Utilizing information such as previous purchases. This can see you gain an understanding of what your shoppers are looking for.

Email Templates

We are all familiar with receiving emails after an online shopping experience. These can often be an impersonal, standard email, sent to encourage you to return. Wouldn’t it be better to customize these emails, with the design and language you choose? With Shopify e-commerce, you can do just that.

Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce sales are set to surpass 693 million US dollars in 2019 alone. With this statistic in mind, your business should be looking to capitalize on the realm of opportunity m-commerce offers. Customers can then browse and buy from you directly from their mobile or tablet device. This will appeal to a wider market who want to shop on the go. Shopify e-commerce development has allowed for this. An app offers a more personal shopping experience, as your store can be accessed any time, anywhere, day or night.

Customer Centered Support

Customer support is key to providing a personalized shopping experience. Make sure your customers feel card for a valued by listening to their needs and providing answers for concerns they may have. Utilize the apps available through Shopify to offer your customers the support they need, when they need it. Come apps include:

  • Messenger apps for quick support when they need it
  • Package tracking apps
  • Live chat apps
  • Return solutions

These apps can provide the answers to any questions your customers may have, and make it easy for you to manage their concerns.

Customize Your Storefront

Your storefront is the first thing your customers will see. Utilizing this can improve shopper engagement while also offering a personal touch to shopper experience. One option is to deliver weather-sensitive personalization such as winter deals and offers can incentivize shoppers to buy, and you can do this by simply showing relevant content and products on your homepage.

Encourage Multi-Channel Engagement

Providing access to your e-commerce store on multiple channels immediately increases customer outreach and a potential boost for your e-commerce site. Don’t miss out on these opportunities by exploring every channel, including social media platforms and your ecommercesite. Instagram and Facebook provide a myriad of opportunity to reach out to your customers in a more social capacity, through features such as live video streaming and photo sharing.

Location-based Media

Use services available to deliver ads and promotional offers as and when you can. These can be tailored to send push notifications to a customers’ smartphone when they are within a certain distance of your storefront. This also shows customers you are still considering the bricks-and-mortar shopping experience. This works to your advantage as you can specifically target the consumers you want to walk into your shop.

Personalizing a shopping experience has never been easier. Blackbelt are familiar with the competitive nature of the e-commerce industry, but with the help of our experts and those at Shopify to guide you, you can see customer satisfaction and retention improve simply through taking some simple steps to a more personalized service.


Thank you again for following our Shopify Insider Blog @ Blackbelt Commerce. We can also help you with many other services.

We have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; How To Harness The Hottest e-commerce Trends Of 2019  , which social media is good for your store, and How To Customize A Theme For Your Shopify Store.

Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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