How To Harness The Hottest eCommerce Trends Of 2019

The designers behind eCommerce stores are forever devising new and exciting ways with which to entice customers to part with their cash on the online marketplace.

The upshot of this constant innovation is a highly-competitive field of online stores. To keep ahead of the curve, this guide provides the tips to help you tap into the most recent eCommerce trends upcoming in 2019.

Experts in the business predict the following factors will be crucial in securing a generous slice of the eCommerce market in 2019:

  • Personalisation
  • New Tech
  • Content Marketing
  • Chat Bots
  • Big Data

These developing trends are explored in more detail below. With 2019 fast approaching, strategizing early will ensure you’re not letting opportunities pass by your online store.


All the trends in technology-based markets point towards personalizing the customer experience, and eCommerce is no different.

Think of interactive content, personalized shopping preferences, and mobile optimization. All these developing fields mean a more user-friendly, tailored approach to your customer. In turn, this will generate more trusting and loyal relationships with your customers.

As well as engaging with your customer, brands are seeing success driven by the development of their own personal identity. That means personable, charismatic copy, and presentation techniques that are unique to your brand.

New Tech

 Harnessing new technology trends as they become mainstream means your store will ride the crest of new consumer waves. When mobile shopping met its critical mass in the early 2010s, those stores with slick mobile optimization took large portions of a new market.

Interestingly, it’s predicted that by 2020 some 50% of searches will be conducted by voice, using software like Apple’s Siri. Optimising for this high-tech, hands-off future is a savvy long-term strategy for stores hoping to stay relevant as tech develops.

The same can be said for:

  • High-resolution photographs
  • Three-dimensional product displays
  • Integrated video functions
  • Streamlined page browsing software

Integration with the breakthroughs coming out of Silicone Valley is ultimately how successful eCommerce businesses stay relevant. Keep abreast of new tech as it is revealed so that you’re able to responsively add it to your website’s repertoire or hire Shopify expert to help you.

Content Marketing

You’ll already have a working marketing strategy, and it may involve content marketing. But, heading towards 2019, your organic search results will be crucial in attracting the discerning customer who tends to research through search engines.

You may find it helpful to involve Shopify experts in a new campaign that addresses this trend. They’ll help you flesh out your content to attract a new band of consumers through to your site. More content equals more traffic and increased levels of trust.

Use various media to convey your brand message and your products, whether that’s video, images, blog entries or regular social media posts. They’re all going to lead viewers through to a place in which they’ll be able to purchase your products.

Chat Bots

Simple and cheap to set up, you may have noticed that chat bots are increasingly likely to pop up in the bottom-right corner of your browser window. That’s because they’re proven to engage and reassure customers.

Not all eCommerce stores will profit from these algorithmic helpers, so it’s very much up to you whether you engage with this technology. If you believe it may be of benefit, work with a Shopify developer to bring an automated assistant to each and every shopper on your site.

In any case, where most websites feature FAQs, the chat bot assistant is a far better addition. That’s because:

  • They engage with the customer
  • Customer feedback is gathered
  • They can make purchasing suggestions
  • They provide personalized customer service

As it’s interactive, customers will leave your site feeling that your brand truly cares about their concerns.

Big Data

 “The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitors, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose”– Bill Gates

How can anyone working with data ignore its implications of business in an interconnected global economy? It’s the most valuable resource in the world, and it’s time you harnessed its full potential.

Many software companies now offer integrated, cloud-based systems to help you keep on top of your data. They eliminate much of the legwork required for the insights that will power your growth.

The data will help you monitor the success of your marketing campaigns in real time, allowing you to make subtle adjustments given the feedback the data provides. Most large online stores already take advantage of Big Data. If you don’t, ensure it tops your priority list as you head into 2019.

Onboard New Functions

The upshot of these developing trends is that your online store will require a dynamic change in the future. All eCommerce that enjoys sitting on the cutting edge must be able to change to keep up with the pace of innovation.

Whether this means getting help from Shopify services or outsourcing assistance, ensure you’re making the most of a changing marketplace in order to steal new ground in the shifting landscape of global eCommerce.


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We have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; Social Media, SEO for your shopify storetips for boosting your e-commerce business sales,and  The Benefits Of Multichannel Thinking.

Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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