What To Bear In Mind When Blogging From Your eCommerce Site

Blogging was once considered the specialty of individuals who are looking to share their stories, ideas, and thoughts. Nowadays, it’s become a powerful tool in promoting eCommerce sites.

Why? Because blogging provides the ideal platform to diversify your content and market your brand. It fleshes out your website and draws search engine users to your store.

How can you capitalize on this form of marketing? It’s wise to make a note of the following set of rules:

  • Keep it relevant
  • Engage, entertain and inform
  • Use diverse media
  • Be aware of SEO
  • Always link to your product pages

Blog posts are quick and easy to create, but it’s important to know the style and features you ought to include. These features are discussed in more detail below.

Keep it Relevant

Each blog post you create needs in some way to link to the products sold in your store. You can play loose and fast with this rule, but your content should always reflect your brand.

It might seem a simple tip, but avoiding misleading titles and irrelevant content means you’ll not frustrate the readers of your blog. Remember that the aim of your blog posts is to prime readers to visit your store, so it’s no use blogging about travel if you’re selling power tools.

That said, there are plenty of subjects in which power tools are relevant. Consider the titles listed below:

  • How to Successfully Renovate Your Home
  • Top DIY Tips for Beginners
  • Home Improvement Ideas on a Budget
  • Where to Buy Cheap Materials for Construction

Each title engages with a different subsection of curious consumers. Every reader might be interested in purchasing power tools. In this way, you’re casting a wide net for users browsing the internet. However, a wider net will only draw in web users with no interest in your products.

Engage, Entertain and Inform

This is a stylistic piece of advice, and it hinges on how you choose to engage your audience. A poorly-written blog post only communicates a lack of professionalism and attention to detail. A well-written post, on the other hand, communicates trust, confidence, and wisdom.

In this sense, ensure you’re using a talented copywriter with the skills necessary to engage with readers through entertaining prose, informative tips, and a pleasant tone of voice. Concentrate on:

  • Answering the query highlighted in the title
  • Providing evidence-based advice
  • Deploying a light-hearted tone of voice
  • Appearing authoritative about the content covered
  • Structuring the article for optimized readability

Create a brief along these lines for your writer/s and provide feedback with each blog post they create in order to hone your house style to perfection.

Use Diverse Media

The internet has developed significantly since the days of text-heavy blog posts. It’s unusual nowadays for blogs to be composed purely of text. Shopify experts know that additional media breaks up the text, helping develop the points you’re attempting to make. Consider using:

  • Hyperlinks directing to additional resources
  • Relevant photographs
  • Informative infographics
  • Embedded videos or audio
  • Interactive media such as quizzes

As well as providing a blog post that’s easier to consume and adequately augmented with extra-textual features, you’ll also be diversifying how web users can find your website.

If you can encourage users to click through from your YouTube video, a Google image result, or a Facebook quiz, you’re multiplying the traffic that leads your customers to your website.

Be Aware of SEO

“SEO isn’t about gaming the system anymore; it’s about learning how to play by the rules” – Jordan Teicher 

Search engine optimization is a large marketing function that blog posts harness. Understanding how this works will alter the form and content of your posts. Bear in mind that:

  • An attention-grabbing title caters towards web user’s questions, queries, or research
  • The inclusion of keywords draws in popularly-searched terms and phrases
  • Links outside your site increase your visibility on search engines such as Google
  • The more content you publish, the more search engines perceive you as a reliable source of information

There are of course exceptions and nuances to these tips. Those eCommerce businesses unfamiliar with SEO would benefit from the help of the best Shopify developers in the field, who will be able to provide the assistance required to maximize your visibility on search engines.

Always Hyperlink Into Your Product Pages

Once you’ve hooked a web user into reading your blog, it’s essential that you provide a link for them to follow should they be interested in purchasing your product. Again, a Shopify e-commerce development will ensure these links are placed perfectly for the greatest impact.

Hyperlinks embedded in the text will do just that, directing readers seamlessly into the product menus and display pages where you generate interest and sales. Without those links, your blog won’t perform its function of driving sales and profits for your online store.


The above tips detail the specifications of what a successful blog post should look like. Beyond the technical advice, though, remember that you’re aiming at coherency and readability above all else.

Ensure posts are readable, well broken-down, and short enough for web users to enjoy. Keep them light but informative, and always ensure that they’re pointing consumers confidently towards the fabulous array of products that await within your store. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact Shopify web developers to help you create the eCommerce site of your dreams.


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We have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; Social Media , how to link comments in shopify blog post?building a good e-commerce business model, and  The Benefits Of Multichannel Thinking.

Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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