Shopify Store and Customer Service | Tactics To Go Beyond The Call of Duty

Shopify Store’s Customer Service must be Optimal. Whether it is because of the convenience of shopping in your pajamas or the increased chance of finding exactly what you’re looking for. Shopping from an online store is the future of consumerism.  However, old-school ideas still apply, and just like in-store shopping, great customer service customer service for Shopify Store is the key to customer retention for any online store.

Shopify Store and Its Brand; Who Builds it?

Customer satisfaction and retention are important because while one sale is good, a returning customer (with great things to say) is what builds brands for the Shopify Stores.  Shopify offers an open shopping outlet that is easily customizable for business owners, and with just a little footwork, can help you provide the best customer service possible.

Meet Needs & Exceed Your Customer’s Expectation | A MUST!

In today’s time, the reach of a customer’s voice is phenomenal. Thanks to social media, with just the click of a button they can post a viral review, plastering your brand all over the internet.

One way to ensure customer satisfaction in your Shopify Store and with your business is to provide the clients with terrific Customer Service that not only meets needs but exceeds expectations!

There are a variety of ways to ensure that each and every customer finds answers to their questions and feels like they were treated individually, which will help to create a good image for your Shopify store.  After all, customer satisfaction and service is essentially just another form of marketing.

The Following Customer Service Strategies Will Help You Go Above and Beyond For Each Of Your Customers (And Help You Keep Organized While Doing So):

1- Cater To a Variety of Social Platforms

The first way to amp up your Shopify store support is by providing multiple contact outlets to your customers. People all over the world use different platforms every day to stay in touch with the world around them. Constant contact with a support team is expected. There are specific benefits to each social platform, meaning that you can utilize many of them to provide optimal service. The simplest way to allow your customers to contact you is by email, through either an email form on your website “contact” page or by presenting a public email address to customers. Try setting up a contact form with a Shopify expert to improve support.  Email is extremely simple, which creates an outlet for even the less tech-savvy customers to easily contact you.

2- Customer Service Channels: Facebook – Twitter

Another outlet for customer service includes two popular social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.

There are a few main benefits to this form of business exposure:

  • First, most of your customers are likely to already have either a Twitter or Facebook account (or both) that they use every day.
  • Second, the openness of these platforms allows you to add a personable feel to your company. You can easily have a customer service rep contact customers and handle concerns and questions individually from your business profile, which will essentially “add a face to the name” of your business.
  • Finally, these media outlets allow you and your customers to easily share posts, meaning you get more exposure. If you’re offering exceptional customer service and satisfaction, this positive exposure will be great for your brand.  Try adding Shopify integration to your social media for added technical support.

If you’d like to expand further, you can consider other social media platforms, like Instagram, Google Plus, or Linkedin. This may seem like a lot to keep up with, but you can easily use one of the hundreds of available apps to manage all of your accounts from one profile, which can help you keep things on-track and organized.

3- Who Can I Ask a Question? I Am Visiting Your Website NOW!!!!

Another contact option is adding “live chat” to your Shopify store. For smaller businesses, this can be a challenge and may not always be an option. However, if you have the team and the time, this option is one of the quickest ways to assist customers during their shopping experience. The addition of a live chat can help you help customers who do not have the time or will to reach out externally through other platforms. In fact, you can message each customer that visits your site instantly instead of waiting for them to voice their concerns or questions. This way you don’t miss anyone, and each customer feels like their shopping experience matters to you.

4- Provide Personality and Punctuality

It is important that your customer service efforts are not robotic, meaning that you should provide each customer with a response that feels personable.

How Can I Accomplish Personalization?

This can be implemented  by the following tactics:

  • Add a touch of humor to your replies
  • Answer questions completely (paying attention that you solve problems and not just answer questions)
  • Add your name to the closing of your email, addressing customers by name (if possible)
  •  Most importantly-Patiently and thoroughly view each customer’s request or complaint.  If a customer is being particularly needy, ask for a phone number through your “contact Shopify” contact form. Have your customer service rep contact customers directly via phone.

Customer support for Shopify store must be optimal. It is incredibly important for any online store, especially in the Shopify e-commerce world.  This personal human touch will go a long way.  For those needy customers, a quick phone call can get to the heart of the original issue.

Equally important is your response time. If you take days to respond, it’s likely that your customer has already forgotten about the purchase and their original issue, and purchased the product elsewhere, or become irritable during their wait. This can make it difficult for you to provide your customer with the assistance they need. Social media outlets and an e-commerce platform like a Shopify store make quick responses easy. Most customers will look for a response within a few hours at most. A good rule of thumb for email responses is to reply within one business day. Assign someone from your support team to make sure customer satisfaction is a top priority every day.

Auto Responders Can Provide “Instant Gratification

One main difference between in-store shopping and online shopping is that the customer purchases online and has to wait for shipping. Using an auto-responder can help you provide customers with instant gratification and assurance that their purchase is received and appreciated and that their product is on the way. It’s important that these replies are not robotic and boring, however. Be sure to thank them for their service and ask them to reach out to you with any concerns or questions they may have. After a purchase is the most important time to make a customer feel appreciated. This heavily reflects that keyword–customer retention.

Acquire Customer Feedback

Acquiring feedback is the best way to discover any questions or concerns that your customers did not voice. Merchants may be surprised to see how often customers had an issue or question about a product and simply did not contact you. This means that there may be unresolved issues keeping your customers from experiencing total satisfaction (or returning to buy from you again) that you don’t even know about!

Reach Out To Customers One At a Time

Taking the time to reach out to your customers individually (after they have had time to receive their package) will open that line of communication. By doing so, you ensure that your customer care did not stop at the purchase. Instead, you are concerned that the product arrived in a timely manner and met expectations. This type of “unrequested” customer service can make each customer feel special. Even if they were not completely satisfied with their last product, it may make them feel that their concerns will be addressed upon ordering from you again.

The Customer Is KING!

Your customers are the reason for your business efforts. Therefore, it is essential to keep them happy throughout the entire shopping process. Providing excellent Customer Service for Shopify Store will not only leave guests feeling satisfied and appreciated, but will also give them a reason to brag on your brand to their friends and family. This will direct more and more business to your Shopify store with every happy purchase!

We hope you will implement these tactics asap for your e-commerce success.  We believe in Customer in Service.  At Blackbelt Commerce, We love for you to succeed by providing excellent Customer Service for Shopify Store.

Thank you for keeping up to date with our Shopify Insider Blog @ Blackbelt Commerce, we would like to recommend the following articles in our blog on service options and other great ways to expand your store , how to reduce bounce rates on your shopify store, how to personalize your e-commerce store,  and of course, please don’t forget to browse our products. Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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