How To Optimize Your E-commerce Site For The Maximum Conversion Rate

According to Jeremy Abel, programmer and tech director, “A website without conversion rate optimization are like a car with no wheels – it will take you nowhere.” In other words, you could have the flashiest,  beautifully optimized e-commerce site in the world, if it doesn’t result in paying customers, it may as well not exist. Focusing on your conversion rate should definitely be on the top of your to-do list.

The term “conversions” is often translated into “sales,” but conversions aren’t always measured by revenue. To optimize your site conversions, you will first need to decide what conversion means to your business. While sales might be the ultimate goal of any e-commerce website, other typical conversions may include:

  • High CTRs (click-through rates).
  • A user adding a product to their shopping cart.
  • A user adding an item to their wishlist.
  • New email signups.
  • Social media shares your products or landing pages.

Calculating Your Conversion Rate

Before we explore how Shopify Plus can increase conversions for your site, you need to calculate your conversion rate (CR). Most analytics tools provide this information in their data. You can also calculate your conversion rate by dividing conversion into visitors. For example, if your site is getting 6,000 visits per month and six of those visitors convert, then your CR is 1%. This may not seem like much, the average conversion rate for most online businesses is 1-2%, so 2% and above is where to aim.

Every aspect of marketing is entirely useless unless it produces conversions,” – Jeremy Smith, entrepreneur

If you want to improve your conversion rate, apply a technique called “conversion rate optimization” (CRO). CRO can be conducted on landing pages, category pages, and all other customer touchpoints,  by the website owner or with the help of a Shopify developer. Some of this will involve working on the backend of your site, rewriting code on and offsite Shopify SEO, as well as analyzing data reports. However, there are plenty of on-site CRO methods that Shopify can help you implement.

Include High-Quality Product Images

One of the downsides to shopping online is that the customer can’t touch the product or try it on. Therefore, it’s your job as the retailer to show as much detail as possible and convert the customer through visuals. The Shopify image gallery and lookbook will help you build an elegant photo album for each page, with various styles and effects to hold the attention of your visitors.

Make An Offer Your Customers Can’t Refuse

Around 77% of all online shoppers abandon their purchases at the shopping cart. Remember: it’s easy for users to get distracted online, which is why you have to make them an offer they can’t refuse, preferably when they get to the checkout, or just as they’re about to click away. How about free shipping, or a Shopify discount code? You can even send follow-up emails using automation software to remind customers what they’re missing.

When too many options are presented, visitors typically will just click on one of the first few links available, hoping it’s what they need. If not, guess what? They split,” Stoney deGeyter, founder, and CEO, Pole Position Marketing.

Optimize Your Checkout Process

If your checkout process is too long or complicated, you may lose customers just as they’re ready to buy.  Make it easy for customers to pay that they don’t even think twice about making a purchase. Shopify PayPal integration means users can pay quickly and easily through a method they all know and trust, while credit card information can be stored securely to speed up future transactions.

Increase Your Traffic

Of course, the real problem might be that you’re simply not getting enough traffic to your website. If this is the case, a Shopify affiliate app could help you acquire more links through referrals and affiliate ads. Apps like Affiliatly make it easy to start and manage an affiliate marketing program, enabling customization and flexibility every step of the way.

Shopify Plus Aids Conversion For All E-commerce Brands

Whatever the size and scope of your business, the Shopify cheat sheet makes it easy for you to develop a customized theme to showcase your brand and maximize conversions. If you’re a small business just starting out, check out our Shopify examples for inspiration. You’ll find countless stunning e-commerce stores build using our platform. If you are a large wholesaler thinking of migrating to Shopify Plus,

Shopify wholesale features make it easy for you to sell to other businesses, giving you full control of a separate, password-protected storefront.

Finally, Shopify Plus patrons can download our free Conversion Plus plugin, to encourage customers to complete the checkout process the first time. The software works by adding a sense of urgency to the product with one-time discounts and reservation timers. Urgency is often described as the key to conversion:

Urgent situations push us to act, either to prolong positive emotions and reduce negative ones. That’s just the way we’re wired,” Sharon Hurley Hall, content marketing professional.

With immense competition, viewing for the attention of your customers can seem like a difficult task. However, optimizing your e-commerce store doesn’t have to be a battlefield. Make sure you contact professionals. They can offer you guidance and advice on how best to improve your e-commerce. Doing so can increase your conversion rate exponentially.

Remember, having a great conversion rate will result in profit and success.


Thank you again for following our Shopify Insider Blog @ Blackbelt Commerce,  we have many other valuable and informative posts that will help you to continue to optimize your website such as The Best Shopify Resources For Boosting Your Store3 ways to increase your shopify conversions,  best designs practices for an e-commerce store, and How To Improve Customer Experience Using Shopify Plus. 

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