A Guide on Personalizing Your Shopify Plus Store

Personalization is not just a passing trend within digital marketing. It is now an essential aspect of every business.

From multimillion-dollar corporations to e-commerce enterprises, if you are not creating a personal journey for every customer, you’re going to be left behind.

The beauty of Shopify Plus is that this platform is completely customizable. Not only can you customize the store with your own branding, but you can ensure every transaction is personalized for the end user.

It’s this level of complete control over the vital areas of your e-commerce store which makes Shopify Plus the best option.

How do you utilize personalization to boost your conversion rates and reduce bounce rates? Shopify experts at Blackbelt Commerce have compiled this handy guide to help all Shopify Plus business owners.

Why Do You Need Personalization?

Today’s consumers have a certain level of expectation when it comes to choosing a brand. This high standard focuses on feeling appreciated and valued.

Brands who treat consumers like just another person will find themselves quickly out of the race. However, to utilize personalization, you first need to understand why you need it, especially on your Shopify services.

  • Improves Customer Experience

    The Millennial market, in particular, values experience over manufactured marketing. What this means is that you need to encapsulate a feeling, over a message.

It sounds difficult, but when you get it right through personalization, you create a winning customer experience. This experience is its own marketing genius, where customers will be all-too-happy to return to again.

  • Creates Intimacy

    As an e-commerce brand, you will be mainly communicating with consumers over email or via your online store. It means that the vital face-to-face relationship is somewhat lacking.

However, personalization shows every consumer how much you value them, which creates intimacy and boosts customer loyalty and brand reputation.

As New York Times author Susan Solovic explains:

“We live in a high-tech world, yet consumers crave high-touch. They are tired of calls being answered by Silicon Sally, and they want to be recognized as human beings.”

  • Promotes Relevancy

    Personalization ensures that consumers are shown products which are highly relevant their need. Research from SalesForce discovered that 57% of consumers would share personal data in exchange for relevant recommendations and offers.

You need to work with Shopify experts to find the best way for your business to collect the much-needed data for your advantage, such as via email sign-ups.

Personalization is not just the future of digital marketing, itis the present.

While it can be challenging to create a personalized experience for every consumer, it is a vital step to take to boost your revenue and to inspire valuable customers to return time and again.

How do you create a personalized Shopify Plus store?

As an e-commerceShopify Plus owner, it’s crucial to know the best way to develop a customizable consumer journey. You can, of course, hire Shopify experts or a professional Shopify developer. However, to ensure you are on the right track, consider the two following options:

1. Automated Email Marketing

It was widely believed that email marketing was a dying art. However, this is not true. The practice instead is evolving to reduce the likelihood of spam emails. Research shows that in contrast to the marketing myth, users do enjoy reading emails, as long as they are relevant and interesting.

You need to utilize email marketing by adding an automated email service, such as MailChimp to your Shopify e-commerce store. After you do so, you can send individualized emails to those who matter most – your customers.

There are a variety of personalized emails which you boost user engagement with your Shopify store, including:

  • Abandoned Cart

    Use this email to gently remind a user that they left without completing their purchase. Nudge a consumer in the right direction, rather than bother them. The chances are that they simply forgot, or ran out of time, and your email is one way to persuade them to come back.

Add a discount or offer into the email body, along with their name, to truly make your mark.

  • Follow-Up Emails

    As mentioned above, consumers want to know they matter. By sending an email to ask how they are finding your product, you open up lines of communication.

This direct communication promotes brand loyalty and boosts your reputation as a caring, appreciative business.

2. Detailed and relevant product recommendations

One vital way to ensure a consumer finds what they need on your site is to recommend it. How can you recommend the right product without personalization?

By collecting adequate data, you can ensure you promote what the user wants to see, rather than trying to shoehorn a product in front of their eyes.

Seek the help of a Shopify developer to help you design and add essential plugins to your store. Personalized Recommendation by Beeketing, which works to upsell every product to the relevant party. What’s more, this app will collate data from your consumers’ behavior to ensure the algorithm always hits the right target.

Final Thoughts

Customers need to feel as if they are the only customers in the world. Deliver a knock-out level of personalization to your Shopify Plus store, so that your already successful enterprise can continue to develop.

Blackbelt Commerce has a trusty team of Shopify web developers, who can help turn your e-commerce store to new heights. From designing your brand and creating a website, to help with plugins that’ll customize your site, the user experience should be one of your business’s selling points.


Thank you again for following our Shopify Insider Blog @ Blackbelt Commerce. We can also help you with many other services.

We have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; How To Boost The Site Popularity Of Your Shopify Plus Store , Check out Omni-channel marketing how to utilize features of shopify plus for your business, and  The Benefits Of Multichannel Thinking.

Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

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