Easy Country IP Redirects For Shopify: Get A Visitor’s Location and Send Them to The Right Store

As more and more business join Shopify, a common problem we’ve seen in our 150+ Shopify projects is:

How can I automatically send customers to the right store, based on their country or IP Address?

Normally, to create this from scratch you’d need to invest several hours or pay a developer — $500 or more.  Since this is becoming more common, we wanted to create an easy and fast way for serious business owners with two or more stores, to ‘add’ an IP redirect to their store at a much lower cost.

So we did. You can see the demo store here or download the plugin here. You can set it up yourself in ten minutes.  Read on for more details.


This is for store owners who:

  • Have more than one Shopify store – for example, a store in the USA and a store in the UK
  • Want to point customers from one store to another based on their country.  For example, if a UK customer visits your USA store, you want to point them back to the UK store (their closest store), so they can purchase from the correct location.

With this plugin, you can either A) force them to change locations, OR B) Use a non-intrusive popup to ask them to change to their nearest store.

You can see the demo store here or download the plugin here.


Thank you again for following our Shopify Insider Blog @ BlackbeltCommerce,  we have many other valuable posts that are informative.  Here are our top recommendations; Shopify Checkout and Shortcodes For Shopify.  We can also help you with, selling and social media:facts, shopify IP redirect: upgradedmany other services.  Also, you can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

Questions or suggestions? We’d love to hear them in the comments below.

7 responses to “Easy Country IP Redirects For Shopify: Get A Visitor’s Location and Send Them to The Right Store

  1. Thanks for the nice information. This will help me a lot to redirect my visitors to appropriate region site.

    1. Hi there, yes absolutely. As long as the site you are redirecting FROM is on Shopify, you can point people wherever you like. In short: yes. 🙂 Hope that helps, just let me know if you have any other questions.

    1. Yes sure – we also have a ‘Forced Redirect’ option in the settings. If turned on, it will redirect the customer without asking. Hope that helps!

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Comments 7

  1. Thanks for the nice information. This will help me a lot to redirect my visitors to appropriate region site.

    1. Hi there, yes absolutely. As long as the site you are redirecting FROM is on Shopify, you can point people wherever you like. In short: yes. 🙂 Hope that helps, just let me know if you have any other questions.

    1. Yes sure – we also have a ‘Forced Redirect’ option in the settings. If turned on, it will redirect the customer without asking. Hope that helps!

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