Upgraded Support, Funky New Emails, and Shopify’s New iPhone App

Today, three exciting things that have been happening with Shopify that might help you in your business.

Read time: 4 minutes.


  • Shopify’s support is now 24 x 7 (and even us Aussies got a new phone line!)
  • Spruce up your customer confirmations with our funky new HTML Email Templates
  • Manage your store from your iPhone: New App from Shopify

News #1: Shopify Expands To 24 x 7 Support

Just this morning I received an email that Shopify is expanding their support network to 24 x 7.  They’ve also added a dedicated phone line for Aussie customers, which is exciting for us living on the world’s largest island!  The announcement:

Talk to us for free 24×7
We’ve expanded our customer service capacity to make sure you have the support you need, whenever you need it. Shopify gurus are always available to take your call or answer your email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We also have toll-free and local phone numbers for:
UK:  0800 808 5233
Australia:  03 8400 4750
New Zealand:  07 788 6026
North America:  1 888 746 7439

News #2: Spruce Up Your Customer Emails:  HTML Email Templates (here)

We all want our branding, logo, and colors to be reflected in customer confirmation emails.  They give a much better impression than the plain-text emails that come with Shopify.

So why doesn’t everyone have them?  Because setting up good-looking HTML Email templates in Shopify can be a pain in the a$$ unless you’re a coder, and expensive (several hours of development work).

We were receiving lots of requests for this and wanted to help.  To give clients a low-cost, easier option, we created a custom set of good-looking, automated Email Templates that you can install in less than 5 minutes and that cost less than half an hours’ development time.

If “get better-looking emails” has been on your to-do list but you haven’t gotten around to it, you might like ours.

News #3: For the techies Shopify’s New iPhone App Is Out
Shopify has released a neat iPhone app that allows you to manage your store from your phone.  It’s worth checking out if you’re an Apple fan with a Shopify store.

You can check that out here > https://www.shopify.com/blog/7626687-whats-new-with-shopify-for-iphone


Signing off for now.  Comments?  Questions?  We’d love to hear ’em in the comments section.


Thank you for showing interest in our Shopify Insider Blog @ Blackbelt Commerce,  we have many other valuable and informative posts that will help you to continue to optimize your website:  here are our top recommendations; SEO For Your Shopify Store, HTML email templates, More sales happier customers, and Social Media. You can learn all about who are the Shopify Experts at Blackbelt Commerce.

Questions? Let us know in the comments below.

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