Checkout on Shopify: How To Increase Conversions

E-commerce stores are popular because they offer simplicity. Or so they should. Many online stores forget that the user experience is one of the most important elements of their Shopify store. If your website is confusing, frustrations will mount, and conversion rates will drop.

You cannot afford for this to happen, which is why we here at Blackbelt Commerce have created this guide on how your checkout can increase conversions.

 “E-commerce isn’t the cherry on the cake, it’s the new cake.” – Jean Paul Ago, CEO of L’Oreal

As the quote explains, an e-commerce store is not an add-on. It is a primary profit-generating source business cannot overlook. It should, therefore, be a worthwhile investment – and one made properly.

One part of their e-commerce store business owners neglect is their checkout page. They believe that if a customer has come this far, then the sale is in the bag. This cannot be further from the truth.

When it comes to your checkout page, there are many ways to increase conversions.

  • Shopify Scripts
  • Multiple payment and shipping options
  • Security
  • Simplicity

Shopify Scripts

Shopify Scripts are pieces of code allowing a business to create personalized experiences for customers on your Shopify e-commerce store. You can use Scripts to:

  • Create discounts
  • Customize shipping options
  • Customize payment options
  • Run promotions

This level of personalization allows for a more personal shopping experience. Focusing on individual customers means they feel valued and are more likely to complete their checkout.

Popular discounts and promotions are:

  • Buy one, get one free
  • First-time customer discounts
  • % off certain items
  • A free gift with a purchase
  • Free shipping for certain amounts

You should refrain from applying a randomly selected Script to your e-commerce store, though. Your promotions must make sense to your customers. Do they care about saving money? If they are loyal to your brand, would they enjoy a free gift?

You need to ask such questions before you apply a code. If you are unsure, Blackbelt Commerce’s team of Shopify experts can help decide on the best Shopify Script for your e-commerce store.

However, be aware that Shopify Scripts are only available to Shopify Plus merchants only.

Multiple Payment and Shipping Options

Limiting payment options segregates your customers. It can leave them alienated from your business, stopping them from completing their purchase and ever returning again.

You can have the typical payment options: debit and credit cards. However, allowing PayPal payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, etc. can see your conversions rise. You could also include common payment methods for international customers through Stripe so that you can appeal to more global markets.

Of course, if you are ever unsure, a Shopify developer can help decide the best payment options for your e-commerce store.

A lack of payment options is not the only reason for cart abandonment. Unexpected shopping costs are the highest reason for customers to leave your website. You can stop this from occurring by being transparent with your shopping costs, but you can also make use of discount codes.

For first-time buyers, free shipping can create loyalty. You can also allow for free standard shipping when a minimum spend is reached.

Only having one shipping option available, and asking for money for it, can infuriate a customer. You need to allow choice, otherwise, a customer can feel pressured.


If a checkout page does not look refined, customers lose trust in your brand. Logging their bank details can be risky business, and so your shopping cart has to look authoritative, trustworthy, and reputable.

Your e-commerce store must have the following:

  • An “S” in HTTPS
  • A website privacy policy
  • A small padlock symbol in the address bar

It is your duty to ensure your customers are safe on your website. Blackbelt Commerce, a trusted Shopify developer, can help make your e-commerce store meet all the security requirements.


Keep your checkout as simple as possible. Have a clear, single button to head through to checkout once your customers have reviewed their shopping cart. Then, have a bar to add in discount codes that are easily visible.

If your checkout is long-winded and complicated, customers will lose patience. You want your customers to complete the transaction as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they have the time to mull over their decision and cancel the checkout process.

Do not ask your customers to sign up. Have a sign up as a guest option, with the opportunity to use their details to create an account once they have completed the payment process.

Refrain from asking your customers to answer too many questions. Keep it short and sweet. You need a customer’s:

  • Full name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Payment details

When it comes to filling in their address, allow for them to type in their post or ZIP code, and have the computer fill out the rest.


Creating a Shopify store is no easy task. We at Blackbelt Commerce understand the common mistakes people make, so our team of Shopify experts and Shopify web developers can offer advice on the best tools and ways to create an e-commerce store that is bound to bring in conversions.

Your checkout must work seamlessly and with your customers. If it works against them, then your conversion rates are going to plummet.

Keep the process simple, secure, and do not allow for shipping costs to be your downfall. What’s more, have a personalized user experience so that they feel one in a million.


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Furthermore, we also have other terrific blog articles such as Learn about SEOwhat is the best strategy for a good e-commerce store,  and eCommerce Email Marketing. shopify’s responsive checkout a beginners guide,   — We are Blackbelt Commerce, a TOP Shopify & BigCommerce developer.

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Shopify’s Responsive Checkout: A Beginner’s Guide(Opens in a new browser tab)

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