Test Your Shopify Store Across Different Devices: Free and Excellent Tool (Screenfly)

Ever wondered..

How can I see my Shopify store on a Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile device without having to actually use all of them?

Here’s how: Screenfly.

This excellent (and free!) tool was introduced to me by a designer on a Shopify project. With screenfly, you can:


Here’s how one of our client’s sites – Status Anxiety – looks on a Desktop (10″), iPad, and iPhone 5.  Neat, huh?

Desktop (10″) – How it looks
iPad – How it looks
iPhone 5

You can even rotate the view, to see how it’ll look on an iPad in landscape versus portrait orientation.

Want to check it out?  Here’s the tool (totally free, no technical skills required) > https://quirktools.com/screenfly/

All you do is open up the link, then enter your store’s URL.

We don’t make a dime out of this – I’m only sharing it because I think it’s a great tool for Shopify owners.  Given that we should all be working with Responsive designs, this is a great, easy, free, quick way to test how your store looks on multiple devices.


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– Tristan.

Do you have any questions? We’ll be doing Q&A in the comments.

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