We collaborated with the owners to create a design that fit their needs.

The product page is unique in that it was designed from left to right — description on the left and images on the right — A unique way to create awow factor for this type of products.
Wildthings.com.au is an online store that sells outdoor gear and equipment for adventurous activities. The website offers various products, such as camping gear, hiking equipment, fishing supplies, and water sports gear. Customers can find high-quality products from well-known brands at competitive prices. The website also provides helpful information and tips for outdoor enthusiasts, including product reviews, buying guides, and adventure destination recommendations. With a user-friendly interface and secure payment options, Wildthings.com.au aims to provide a seamless shopping experience for its customers.
Blackbelt Commerce helped with design coding throughout the site, such as product pages, cart page, navigation, and collection pages. We also conducted a usability review of mobile to increase ease of use, and wrote scripts to assist with product management and navigation.
Visit: Wildthings.com.auÂ
Project Management
- Managed Design and Development
- Liaising with key stakeholders
- Weekly calls to update clients and stakeholders
- Implementation of updates
- The transition of knowledge to the Widlthings team