Uninstalling IP Redirect


Please follow these directions carefully! 

Modifying Theme Liquid must be done by an expert in Liquid. Otherwise, your site may be impacted.

We will NOT be responsible for any changes you make incorrect to your website.

We recommend that you have or create a full backup of your file that must include your theme files. 

Please know that we can do this for you in about an hour of work $95.00 paid up-front via credit card.  If you would like to schedule the removal please  send us an email [email protected] 

  1.  Go to the assets folder and remove the redirect.js.liquid
  2. Go to snippets folder and remove redirect-message.liquid
  3. Go Theme.liquid and remove the following code:

    {% include ‘redirect-message’ %}

      {{ ‘redirect.js’ | asset_url | script_tag }}



        IPRedirect.init({{ settings | json }});



    {% endif %}

  4. Go to theme settings file “settings_data.json” and remove this code:


      “name”: “Location Redirect”,

      “settings”: [


          “type”: “checkbox”,

          “id”: “redirect_use”,

          “label”: “Use Redirect?”



          “type”: “checkbox”,

          “id”: “redirect_force”,

          “label”: “Force Redirect?”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_1”,

          “label”: “Redirect 1”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_2”,

          “label”: “Redirect 2”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_3”,

          “label”: “Redirect 3”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_4”,

          “label”: “Redirect 4”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_5”,

          “label”: “Redirect 5”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_6”,

          “label”: “Redirect 6”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_7”,

          “label”: “Redirect 7”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_8”,

          “label”: “Redirect 8”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_9”,

          “label”: “Redirect 9”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_10”,

          “label”: “Redirect 10”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_catch_all_countries”,

          “label”: “Redirect Catch All”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_catch_all_url”,

          “label”: “Redirect Catch All URL”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_catch_all_name”,

          “label”: “Redirect Catch All Store Name”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_from_message”,

          “label”: “Redirect You’re in Message”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_to_message”,

          “label”: “Redirect To Message”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_approve”,

          “label”: “Approve Message”



          “type”: “text”,

          “id”: “redirect_decline”,

          “label”: “Decline Message”



          “type”: “color”,

          “id”: “redirect_bg_color”,

          “label”: “Background Color”



          “type”: “color”,

          “id”: “redirect_color”,

          “label”: “Text Color”



          “type”: “color”,

          “id”: “redirect_link_color”,

          “label”: “Link Color”



          “type”: “color”,

          “id”: “redirect_link_hover_color”,

          “label”: “Link Hover Color”



  5. GO  to theme styles and remove the CSS code 

    #location-redirect-message {

      position: absolute;

      top: 0;

      left: 0;

      z-index: 9;

      display: none;

      padding: 20px;

      background-color: {{ settings.redirect_bg_color | default: “#fff” }};

      color: {{ settings.redirect_color | default: “#000” }};

      text-align: center;

      font-family: sans-serif;

      font-size: 16px;

      width: 100%;

      z-index: 1000;


    #location-redirect-message a {

      color: {{ settings.redirect_link_color | default: “#000” }};


    #location-redirect-message a:hover {

      color: {{ settings.redirect_link_hover_color | default: “#000” }};



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