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[email protected]
USA +1-516-704-9890

As top-rated Shopify Experts who really care about our clients’ goals, we work closely with you to
understand your business and not just ‘build a website’. We understand entrepreneurship that your
online headquarters is of utmost importance to your success.

If you’d like to work with us, have a question about Shopify, or something else, we’d love to hear from you.

We work globally, with clients in over 15 countries. We’re headquartered in Australia with our laser-focused
team distributed throughout the globe.

Currently taking new projects

We’re currently taking on new projects. We tend to book up rather quickly, so if you think
we’d be a good fit, we’d love to hear from you. Please see “Project Basics” below for more
about how we work, or let us know about your project via the project brief form below.
Tell us about your project >

Project Basics

Full-scale website builds start from $4,000, and generally take about 5 weeks. Smaller changes and updates
start from $1500 (this is the minimum we’re able to take on in terms of budget).
Tell us about your project >
Need a smaller project? Check out HeyCarson.

Who Works With Us? Are We A Good Fit?

If you’re in a hurry, or on a very tight budget, we probably aren’t the best company for you. Our very
best work takes time, and we like to work closely with our clients to boost the business, not only the
website. Our rates are competitive, and we like to think we have some of the best service of any
company working with Shopify. You can hear more on our work style over here.

We like client relationships that work well for us and you, and that generally means you’re keen to work
with one of the best in the business (the world’s highest-rated Shopify Experts with over 150 positive
reviews), are serious about your business, and want an experienced company to partner with as you
start and grow. Sound like you? Brilliant! We’d love to hear from you.

Contact Details: Projects, Support, Inquiries

Think we’d be a good fit for your project? Great! Tell us about your project here.
Need help with one of our products like the Bilingual Theme, IP Redirect or something else?

You can:

Visit our forums for quick answers to the most common questions, or

Submit a ticket here and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours, or

Email [email protected]


Shopify have recently updated their redirect method from 301 (good for SEO) to 307 (not so
good for SEO). This has been causing some issues. It’s not an issue with our plugin as such –
our plugin itself is working as normal – but rather, with Shopify’s redirect method. We have
raised this issue with Shopify and hope to hear back. We can’t say exactly if / when it will be
fixed, as this is up to Shopify, but we are hoping for a response in a few days. In the meantime,
we would highly suggest: To turn OFF the ‘forced’ version of the IP Redirect, and instead, use
the ‘softer’ version which asks customers if they would like to switch stores. Using the ‘softer’
version with the messaging, instead of forcing, should not cause any issues with Google,
because all it does is add some messaging to your site, it doesn’t force any redirects, so
shouldn’t confused Google’s bots. So we’d suggest to turn off the ‘forced’ option, and we’ll
keep on Shopify to see if they can fix the 301 / 307 issue on their end.

Looking to partner or have us review your app? Whilst we’d love to hear from you and we love helping
Shopify businesses, if you’re looking to partner with us, have us review your app, or promote your
product, please read our
partnership guidelines before inquiring.


For general support or questions, email [email protected]

App Development

One thing we don’t do: We don’t build custom Shopify Apps. For App development, we can recommend the folks over at Disco Labs.

Top Shopify Developers