¿Cuánto cuesta contratar a un experto en Shopify?

As one of the most popular e-commerce platforms available, Shopify brings many advantages to entrepreneurs of all types. Some of these advantages can be immediate, while others will require a little more in-depth knowledge.

Shopify store backend  designed and developed by a Shopify expert  at blackbelt commerce
This is the backend for a a real Shopify Store made by BlackbeltCommerce.

For those planning to launch an online store or an online business, Shopify offers a one-stop option with a high level of flexibility and is simple to manage on a day-to-day basis. While you can tackle the majority of basic management tasks simply enough, chances are that you will require the help of a Shopify expert at some point.

Encontrar el derecho Shopify developer can help improve your eCommerce store in various ways. But your first step will have to be identifying exactly what it is that you need. Once you’ve figured that out, you can start evaluating the costs of asking a Shopify developer for help and advice.

Do You Need a Shopify Expert?

El experto desarrollador de Shopify codifica una tienda
El experto desarrollador de Shopify codifica una tienda

Shopify is an easy to manage the platform and comes with a full range of tools to aid you in building and then crecer tu tienda de e-commerce. Si bien es posible incluso para un principiante configurar una cuenta y construir una tienda básica de forma rápida y sencilla, si quieres tener una marca más profesional, entonces los mejores desarrolladores de Shopify van a ser tu mejor opción.

Cuéntenos sobre su proyecto

Technical knowledge is one area where the majority of new Shopify sellers are going to need help, and that goes beyond the simple building of your store. If your store looks unprofessional, or you don’t quite understand what SEO is or how best to use it, then a Shopify expert is going to be essential.

What you pay will be dependent on the areas that you need help with, so understanding your own strengths and weaknesses is going to be essential.

"No puedes esperar a que los clientes vengan a ti. Tienes que averiguar dónde están, ir allí y arrastrarlos de vuelta a su tienda. "

– Paul Graham, Y COMBINATOR

Cost Factors of Hiring a Shopify Expert

Before you commit to paying for help from a professional Shopify expert, you need to do a break-down of your expected costs. This will depend on the Shopify plan that you subscribe to.

Cada plan disponible en Shopify le da un acceso diferente a las herramientas, y la que elija dependerá de sus recursos financieros, así como de los elementos esenciales que necesita tener. También tendrá que presupuestar los costos de los registros de dominio, así como cualquiera de las aplicaciones de pago que se pueden utilizar para obtener su tienda de comercio electrónico lo más profesional posible.

Los planes para los costos mensuales de Shopify

A Shopify website developer can guide you through this initial process and help you make decisions on what you’re going to need and when.

Consider the following:

  • What kind of store do you want to have? – The more that you want your Shopify store to offer, the more technical your knowledge is going to have to be. Getting an estimate from Shopify web developers will be dependant on what you’re going to be using them for.
  • What kind of expert do you need? – You obviously want someone who has experience with Shopify, but the level of experience will dictate the prices that they offer. The less experience that a Shopify expert has, the less you should pay.

That’s why it’s so important that you take the time to understand exactly what you want from your store, and how much help you’re going to need to build that perfect store.

Cost Basics

While all of the best Shopify developers will have their own price list and areas of expertise, the majority will offer options regarding hourly rate or task rate.

Some experts will cost upwards of $1,500 for the development of a fully optimized e-commerce outlet, although there are other experts with lower starting programs–but ensure that you are dealing with true experts who have been in business and have delivered with with quality, on time, and within budget is considered the lower end of the spectrum.

Si sus necesidades no son tan profundas, entonces usted podría incluso ser capaz de contratar a un experto para trabajar por hora, con algunas tarifas de oferta de sólo $ $25 + por hora. Esto puede ayudar a mantener sus costos bajo, pero también reflejará la falta de experiencia dedicada a tiempo completo.

Cuanto más necesite ayuda, más le costará. Para las tiendas que planean desarrollar una tienda más grande y compleja con características personalizadas y o 100s de SKU y presencia web sólida, entonces usted puede esperar pagar en cualquier lugar de $1.500 a $10.000 + Asegúrese de que entiende lo que está recibiendo para su pago, y asegúrese de que esos expertos más altos tienen una experiencia demostrable con Shopify y e-Commerce en general.

Finding the Right Shopify Expert

It can sometimes be quite tricky to find the right Shopify developer. You want to find the right people for the job, but you don’t want to be overcharged for something relatively simple.

Hay tres pasos para encontrar la mejor opción para adaptarse a lo que estás buscando. Son:

1: Ask Other Entrepreneurs

Whether they are only trading on Shopify or they have a brick and mortar store as well, local communities of entrepreneurs are a great resource. Not only can they help you identify what you need, but they can also highlight mistakes that they made, meaning that you can avoid them. Listen to their advice and incorporate it into your growth plan.

If you are recommended a Shopify expert to use, then don’t be too trusting. Always do your due diligence, and check that they have worked with similarly-sized projects in the past.

2: Consulte el directorio de expertos de Shopify

Blackbelt Commerce listado en el directorio de expertos de Shopify
Aquí está nuestra lista de expertos en comercio de Shopify Blackbelt en el directorio de Shopify

If your local community hasn’t found you a good option, then you can always look at the Shopify Experts Directory. This function allows you to filter your search so that you are getting expert advice on the areas where you need it most. Those filters can also be adjusted according to budget, meaning that you will never be hit by unexpected costs.

Lastly, this is a good option because the filters also allow you to search by location, and having a more localized Shopify expert can be advantageous due to more awareness of local consumer demographics.

3: entrevistar a sus candidatos y leer sus Los clientes Reiviws

Siempre entrevistar a sus mejores opciones para posibles desarrolladores de Shopify. Usted puede hacer esto en persona o a través de una videoconferencia, pero lo que usted elija, asegúrese de que tiene una lista de preguntas listo para ir.

Debe asegurarse de que saben exactamente lo que desea y tienen las habilidades y la experiencia necesarias para obtener lo que está buscando. Tenga cuidado con las promesas que parecen poco realistas, y siempre asegúrese de que sabe lo que va a pagar a largo plazo.

Y por último, leer sus testimonios de clientes y pedir una referencia!

Un experto en Shopify puede ayudarlo a mantener sus costos bajo y sus ganancias. Ser un empresario puede significar asumir un montón de diferentes roles, y si usted está luchando con el marketing digital, branding, o el lado técnico de la construcción de su tienda de comercio electrónico, entonces los desarrolladores web de Shopify derecho pueden ayudarle a centrarse en hacer lo eres el mejor.

You can also visit how to choose a Shopify developer, vital elements of a good e-commerce store, and ways to grow your shopify plus store

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