Ecommerce Content Marketing – Importance & Key Content Types for Your Online Store

It wouldn’t be wrong to claim that content is at the heart of online marketing. Over the years, content marketing has evolved in ways that it cannot be taken out of any digital marketing plan. This form of digital marketing acts as the line that connects the dots between your e-commerce business and consumers. Your potential buyers are looking for specific information based on where they are in their buying journey. Your strategies should revolve around providing that information through content by answering their questions at different stages of the journey.

Ecommerce content marketing strategies involve an e-commerce brand creating useful content that appeals to the target audience. The goal is to deliver content at the right step in the buying funnel and drive them to make a buying decision. Whether you are a B2B or B2C content marketer, this strategy can help drive big returns. The right content helps in building relationships.

Importance of Content Marketing for Ecommerce Websites

There is more to the content-based form of marketing than most e-commerce business owners can ever imagine. This marketing strategy helps build your online store’s reputation. The value provided by the content will not only entice your potential visitors but can also help build brand trust.

The content marketing world is important to your online store’s success in several ways. Here are some of the biggest ways:


1. Improved Brand Awareness

There are millions of people looking for your products. However, they may have never heard about you. When you regularly create content related to your industry, it will help boost your e-commerce brand’s visibility. Further, it will help build trust to make your target audience feel more comfortable about buying from you. The awareness stage is quite important and you should create content focused on it. Brand awareness is one of the most important requirements in the marketing world.

Your marketing efforts will also help keep your online store top-of-mind. Every time they want to buy your products, they are likely to think of your website. Besides, you can also showcase your brand’s following attributes:

  • Voice
  • Personality
  • Values

This can help your business connect better and more readily with your audience, and in building trust.

2. Boosts Engagement Rates

The right content strategy can help start a conversation with your prospects and engage them. You can get them to comment on your content or share it. When you create content that is of great value or interest to your audience, it can help drive high engagement rates. The benefits include visitors:

  • Spending more time on your online store
  • Visiting more pages
  • Clicking on different links

3. Boosts Your Conversion Rates

Research studies show that businesses using content marketing drive 6 times more conversion rates than the ones that don’t use this digital marketing strategy. This form of marketing helps you connect better with your audience. It also presents your business as an authority in your industry. This further makes potential shoppers feel comfortable about your business, thus increasing your conversion rates.

4. Drives More Traffic, Leads & Sales

Ecommerce content strategy, when done right, can give a big boost to your traffic, leads, and sales stats. When you create targeted content, it allows you to reach specifically the people that fulfill your target audience profile. It further ensures that the people consuming your content have shown interest in your product offerings.

Research shows that businesses that produce regular blog content can drive 55% more web traffic. So, you cannot ignore the content marketing world.

5. Boosts SEO Value

You want your online business and your product pages to be found. Once, content marketing used to be a part of search engine optimization (SEO). Over time, it has evolved and emerged into an online marketing strategy that can hold on its own. Still, it has the greatest impact on SEO.

When you produce original content, it has a major and direct impact on your e-commerce website and brand’s SEO value. Content that has been optimized with well-researched keywords can help Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines to find your online store and rank you higher in your SERPs.

Thus, your content strategy can help improve your products and eCommerce website’s search engine visibility.  Search has important value across the buyer decision journey. The more high-quality content you have online, the greater will be the chances of your target audience finding your e-commerce pages.

Create Different Types of Content

There is more to e-commerce content strategy than optimizing your products and category pages. You should make the most of the potential of your blogs, video streams, images, and social media to get more views on your products and drive conversions. There are different types of content and you must create them to drive the desired results for your online store.

The most popular content types that have remained the industry trends for a long and continue to so include:

i. ‘How-To’ Content & Buying Guides

Ecommerce buying guides can help your target audience discover your products. These types of content allow you to target inquiring keywords, educate your prospects, and curate your products. Some of the helpful content marketing strategies for such content include:

  • Place static links to category pages in the context of educational content
  • Generate related product feeds in sidebars
  • Generate related product feeds in between paragraphs

How-to guides can be created and promoted to provide preliminary information, to educate, and tutorials and infographics to clarify relevant processes.

ii. Product Image Galleries

Visual content has an increasingly important role to play among online shoppers. Consider the dramatic growth and engagement rate of Instagram. Also, keep in mind that many online shoppers rely on Google Images and Google Shopping for quick product searches based on images.

The success of your content marketing strategies requires that you make the most of this visual trend.

  • Create image galleries on your online store to make the shopping experience visually appealing
  • Let shoppers enjoy the experience of compelling product images linking to product pages
  • Add brief and educational descriptions to build interest

iii.  Product Comparisons & Reviews

Educated shoppers find search queries comparing one product with another product quite useful in their decision-making process. You should be using the following content types to convert shoppers into buyers:

  • Product comparison matrices
  • In-detail product reviews
  • Additional comparative content

If a potential buyer has a query about the model equipped with the features they need, make sure the comparison can quickly and easily answer them. It is further recommended to create product comparisons and reviews in video format as well. A viral video can be a big boost during the awareness stage.

iv. Articles and Blog Posts

Articles and blog posts are perhaps the most recognizable type of content types. When shoppers want more information to choose the right product, they are likely to use long-tail keywords in their searches. Even when long-tail keyphrases are mostly low-volume, they can have very high intent. Articles and blog posts that help potential buyers can be enriched with such phrases.

Interestingly, blogging is beyond a content marketing strategy. It is more about the execution of a content strategy. And here, it is about answering the specific queries of shoppers and educating them about your products. It is recommended to create detailed, long-form articles and blog posts to inform and deliver your message. Industry trends, how-to guides, tutorials, and new product launches are just a few of the topics you develop your content around.

v. Infographics

Infographics provide a quick and engaging way to deliver the desired information. No matter how commonly they are used, infographics haven’t lost their importance. Users enjoy this content type. It is important to create unique and original infographics that deliver value to your potential buyers. This is one example of content that is not only well-liked but is also easily shareable.

vi. Coupon & Discount Pages

Online shoppers love coupons and discounts. There is a good chance they will search for your products or brand name along with terms like ‘discounts’ and ‘coupons’. Creating content that helps your e-commerce website or products rank high when they make these searches is recommended. When it comes to an e-commerce business, this is one of the most important content marketing strategies.

Optimize your sales page by enriching the content with relevant keywords on discounts and coupons. Even when you don’t have a sale, you can offer small discounts to the customers who find that page. Whenever you run sales and discounts, create and promote dedicated landing pages and run specialized content marketing campaigns.

Further, you should create contests and sweepstakes content, freemiums, user-generated content, roundup articles involving niche experts, and forum content as part of your content marketing strategy. It is not just enough to create all these types of high-quality content. You should also promote and advertise it. Some of the most important steps you can take, include:

  • Using social media marketing across the right platforms
  • Run PPC ad campaigns using Google Ads
  • Drive backlinks
  • Run video marketing campaigns
  • Run search engine optimization campaigns

A content marketer’s success is not just limited to planning and creating quality content. You should also promote that valuable and useful content. inbound marketing is also an important form of marketing. Using user-generated content is an excellent marketing tool for building relationships.

At Blackbelt Commerce, we are your one-stop Shopify experts. We help you with creating and setting up your new e-commerce store or migrating from another platform. Content is at the heart of any digital marketing strategy and eCommerce cannot thrive without content marketing. No marketing tool can help you develop and promote content except human experience and expertise. Whatever your online business goals and challenges, our experienced and qualified experts can develop a marketing plan to help you succeed. If you want to discuss your goals and concerns with us, call us today at +1-516-704-9890 or write to us at [email protected].

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